Accessibility Services works collaboratively with each student applying for accommodations. The office works to determine eligibility and to identify reasonable accommodations based on the student's request without altering the fundamental nature of the academic program. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (amended in 2008) describes an individual with a disability as someone who has:
The following criteria are provided for evaluators, medical professionals, students and family members to guide the process of preparing disability documentation. If you have any questions, please contact Lorna Chambers, Accessibility Services Coordinator.
Send To:
Accessibility Services Program
Lincoln University of PA
1570 Baltimore Pike
Lincoln University, PA 19352
Phone: 484-365-5213
Fax: 484-365-7971
Complete documentation establishes the student as a person with a disability and provides a rationale for reasonable accommodations. Documentation should contain the following components. Accessibility Services may contact the evaluator with the student's permission to gather more information.
*This is not an exhaustive list. Please contact us if you need guidance about documentation for concerns that are not part of the list below.
Students requesting support services are required to submit documentation to the Accessibility Services Office. The student must provide documentation, no more than three (3) years, and based on the results of a comprehensive evaluation completed by a psychiatrist or licensed psychologist experienced in area of ADHD. Please include:
1. Clear statement of a diagnosis of ADHD and the level of severity.
2. Date of current evaluation and date(s) of previous evaluation(s).
3. Procedures and measures used to make the diagnosis.
4. Summary of thorough diagnostic interview. Please include the individual's history, age of onset and symptoms across multiple settings.
5. Description of current symptoms that meet diagnostic criteria. Ruling out of alternative diagnosis or explanations for the symptoms. Analysis of any evaluation results and relevant test data.
6. Description of the functional impact of the disability on major life activities (living, learning, etc.)
7. Current treatment plan. If the student is taking medication, include information on possible side effects that could create an additional functional limitation.
8.Recommendations for appropriate accommodations including a rationale for each based on the student's current functional limitations.
Source: The Policy Book, LRP Publications, 2000
Students requesting support services must submit a current report (no more than five (5) years old) from a psychoeducational or neuropsychological evaluation completed by a licensed psychologist or certified school psychologist experienced in evaluating learning disabilities in young adults and adults.
The report must include the following information: a clear statement diagnosing a learning disability; data and analysis substantiating the diagnosis including standard scores and percentiles; identification of current deficits that significantly limit academic performance; and recommendations for reasonable accommodations with a rationale for each one.
Please include the following components:
1. Summary of a thorough diagnostic interview including educational history.
To document a psychological disability please submit a current report (no more than one year old) based on a comprehensive evaluation performed by an appropriate professional relating the current impact of the condition to the requested accommodations. The evaluation must include the following information:
Ophthalmologists diagnose and provide medical treatment for individuals who are blind or have low vision. The licensed professional should be impartial individual who is not a family member to the student.
The documentation must include the following:
1.A clear statement of vision-related disability with supporting numerical description that indicates the current impact the blindness or vision loss has on the student functioning.
2.A summary of assessment procedures and analysis implements used to make the diagnosis and overall evaluation results including standardized scores.
3.Current symptoms that meet diagnosis criteria.
4.Medical information relevant to the student’s needs, status of student’s vision (static or changing) and impact on academic demands.
5.Description of the functional impact or limitations of the disability on learning or other major life activity and the extent to which it affects the students in the academic environment for which accommodations are being requested. If co-existing learning disabilities or other disabling conditions are indicated further assessment by an appropriate professional may be required.
Otologists and Otorhinolaryngologists are licensed professional qualified to diagnose and treat hearing disorders. The licensed professional should be an impartial individual who is not a family member of the student.
The documentation must include the following:
A clear statement of deafness or hearing loss, with a current audiogram that indicates present impact deafness or hearing loss has on student’s functioning (age of acceptable documentation based upon disability, student’s present status and student’s request for accommodations)
A summary assessment procedures and analysis implements used to make the diagnosis and an overall summary of results
Medical information relevant to the student’s needs, status of the student’s hearing (static or changing) and its impact on academic demands.
Statement regarding use of hearing aids ( if applicable)
Description of the functional impact or limitations the hearing loss has on learning and major life activity and the extent to which it impacts the student in academic environment for which accommodations are being requested. If co-existing learning disabilities or other disabling conditions are noted further assessment by an appropriate professional may be required.